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BUGARACH soundtrack album is now available as CD on demand from MovieScore Media's physical manufacturer CD Click. While other purchase links for the CD version will be added to the project's page as soon as available, you can already order your copy from CD Click and if you for some reason still haven't got a copy of ET LE MONTAGNE FLEURIRA..., grab one as well...

Check project's page for full album details and first samples from this unique score More details and various purchase links will be added as soon as they are available and for those lucky ones in France, don't forget to check the series tomorrow and feel free to share your thoughts in the Guestbook.

May 23, 2024: BUGARACH score album coming very soon...
MovieScore Media will release Cyrille Aufort's score for French TV series BUGARACH on May 31st. More details will be added as soon as available. In the meantime you can also check the series trailer, which will debut on the same date.


News 2024 ===>








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 (c) 2017 Petr Kocanda.
All content is intended for promotional purposes of the composer only and shouldn't be copied wthout the consent of the content owner.