1. Le Mariage
(2:18) 2. Jai Reve De Vous
(1:20) 3. Les 2 Freres (1:14) 4. La Tentation (1:15) 5. Le
Bal Russe (2:08) 6. La Rencontre (1:30) 7. La Separation
(4:04) 8. Les Amants (2:13) 9. Le Rapt
10. Le Retour (1:40) 11. Vertige
(1:47) 12. Les Ruines (2:22) 13. Lirreparable (2:01) 14.
Mambo (2:08) 15. La Robe Ecarlate (0:57) 16. Jeanne Sen Va
(1:09) 17. Une Femme Francaise (5:04) 18. Jeanne Et Louis
Music Composed
byPatrick Doyle Orchestra Conducted by
XXXX Orchestrated by
XXXX Music Performed by
XXXX Recorded and Mixed by
XXXX Recorded at
XXXXX Music Editor
XXXX Orchestra Contracted
by XXXX Music
Preparation XXXXX Produced by
Patrick Doyle and Maggie Rodford Executive Soundtrack Producers
(c) 2011 Petr
Kocanda. All content is presented for promotional purposes of the composer
only and shouldn't be copied without proper licence from rights owners.